If you're an author or aspire to be one, who wants to catapult your career and gain global exposure in ways that most people could never imagine...
...then I want to introduce you to my Co-Star Author Program. This program is specifically for people who want to skip the expensive and long process of self-publishing and instead get a massive shortcut for establishing yourself as an author alongside household names such as:
This Could
Be You!
We're hunting for 18 Co-Star Authors to be featured in Johnny Wimbrey's upcoming new book, The POWER of MENTAL Wealth
The purpose of this project is to provide you with a book for clients, team members, or prospective clients that will help give you global exposure while creating unlimited opportunities.
As a published author, you demand instant credibility as an expert on your subject.
As a published author, your value proposition is undeniable.
As a published author, you will instantly increase your global exposure.
With that brings new Speaking Engagements, TV, Radio and Magazine Interviews, Consulting Opportunities, Lay Down Sales and Much Much More!
I am inviting you to be in this incredible book with a select number of highly accomplished DETERMINED ACHIEVERS!
AND I'm going to do ALL of the work for you!
My past books have been huge international successes and this one will be no different!
How This Works
If you qualify, all of the work will be done for you!
You don't have to spend months (and sometimes years) trying to write your own book and get it published.
You'll have all of the benefits of being a published author within 120-180 days (possibly sooner if each co-author meets the deadlines).
All editing, typesetting, cover creation, and printing will be done for you.
You only need to complete your chapter and supply your biography and approved photo.
Here's What Happens When We Decide To Work Together
You'll have a high-quality book to sell after your presentations, pre-sell in large quantities prior to each speaking engagement, or sell via your website or direct mail to your current customers.
There's virtually no limit to the upside potential of a book that you can sell FOREVER!
It all works to increase your exposure and add to your bottom line.
For example, if you booked just 25 speaking engagements and sold only 20 books at each event at a rate of $20 per book, you'd earn an easy $10,000 dollars on top of your speaking engagement fees.
Do You See How Lucrative It Is To Be An Established Author?
Plus, there's one huge benefit that comes with being featured in this book...
Instant credibility.
You'll be regarded as an authority because of our track record of high profile celebrity authors.
In addition, you'll be an official "PUBLISHED AUTHOR" upon completion of this book.
Many groups have booked Johnny to speak simply because he is a Published Author. One of our past participants has appeared on Oprah... TWICE!!
THAT'S the kind of credibility we deliver.
Johnny is one of the most dynamic teacher leaders. He delivers his message with truth, energy, and conviction. His success and hard work connects with everybody he is around. I know he will change your life.
Nancy Lieberman,
Former Professional Basketball Player,
Motivational Speaker, Author
Johnny Wimbrey is a fiery, charismatic, and dynamic speaker. He has taken the lessons he’s learned in the school of hard knocks to platforms all around the world to empower, educate and equip individuals to be the “best” individuals they were created to be. Through his workshops, books, and materials you have an arsenal of resources to build or rebuild your life from the ground up.
Bishop T. D. Jakes,
C.E.O. TDJ Enterprises
New York Times best-selling Author
This Is A Short Window Of Opportunity
As you know, launching a book requires you to stick to a deadline.
Interviews are happening now but the first few slots have already been filled.
However, if you're seeing this page then that means there are still a few spots left.
So if you want Johnny Wimbrey and his team of experts to help you take your story from conception to a masterpiece published work of art...
Here's What To Do Next
First, click on the 'Yes! I Want In!' button below.
You'll be taken to a brief application that allows us to hear your story.
Your application will be reviewed within 24-48 hours.
If we feel you're submission is a good fit, we'll let you know what the next step of the process is and how to submit your chapter!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the title and subtitle of the book?
The title is: The POWER of MENTAL WEALTH (subject to change).
The subtitle of the book is: Success begins from within. (subject to change).
How many pages/words should I write?
Each co-author will write one full chapter consisting of approximately eight to ten (8-10) book pages or 2,200 to 3,000 words.
What is the layout of the book?
Each co-author will have a picture,* biography* (approximately 100 words), and contact information printed at the end of the chapter. All co-authors will have their names listed on the back cover. (*Biography and picture must be of high quality and approved.)
What is the overall goal of the book?
The goal of this project is to provide all co-authors with a book for clients, team members, or prospective clients. The book will help everyone's global exposure while creating unlimited opportunities.
The book will appeal to any audience a co-author speaks to including college students, teenagers, associations, faculty, administrators, non-profits, community groups, corporations, conferences, etc.
What is the theme?
The intent is to have a central theme of inspiration, determination, and success that runs through the book. The title will help convey that approach.
The general concept of the book is that of combining our various perspectives on overcoming obstacles and how each perceived failure is a stepping stone to success. Each co-author's chapter will address this topic through original perspectives, experiences, and stories.
What should be written in my chapter?
Write on a topic that interests you and that you're confident in. The information in your chapter should motivate, inspire, and empower readers while providing them with ideas and strategies that will help them to achieve more personal and/or professional success.
Feel free to use stories, humor, analogies, and strategies for achievement. Hint: You may pull a chapter or parts of a chapter from one of your previously written self-published books.
Placing this information in this book will give the reader a "taste" of what they can find in your other book(s) and will entice them to purchase your other products. You can also use an article that you have already written for your chapter. These are just two simple ways to have your chapter completed immediately.
How will chapter editing, cover design, chapter layout, and book printing be handled?
Everything from A to Z will be handled by Johnny Wimbrey and his team of professionals. All you have to do is write or submit your chapter, along with your information and high-resolution photo....and then leave the rest to us!
The editing, layout, and cover design will all be done by top professionals. Everything about this book will be first class. It is very important to have an eye-catching cover as studies consistently show that the cover and title are the primary reasons why books are purchased. Johnny and his TEAM will oversee the entire printing process of all the books.
The finished product will be 6" x 9" with a high gloss, laminated cover. Each co-author will have his/her copies shipped to the address he/she provides.
Each co-author will only be charged actual shipping costs for the delivery of their books. After the initial print run, co-authors will simply contact Wimbrey Training Systems for re-orders at our current cost. All of the details will be taken care of. Re-orders can be purchased at our cost, based on the number of total books ordered.